My second born son was eager to get here. I was due January 31, 2001 and he arrives January 17, 2007. I remember I was doing laundry one evening while Ashton was asleep and Steven was watching TV. All of a sudden I felt like I peed myself and when I tried to stop it, it just kept coming. I ran downstairs to Steven and told him that I think my water just broke.
Fast Forward....we calmly made it to the hospital about an hour later. I remember Steven had called everyone in his phone book to tell them we were going to have a baby. When he got off the phone he looked at me and said, "We are going to have a baby right? Are you sure your water broke?" I told him, "Well, I think it broke..." And it did, it was just taking it's time, slowly trickling down. No weird gush like you see in the movies. So when we arrived at the hospital, I got changed and checked. We waited, and waited, and WAITED for contractions to start. After 3 hours of no contractions, the doctor decided to give me an Epi and Pitocin at the same time to get the contractions going. FINALLY, by 5:15am Luca Gene made his arrival. 7lbs 5oz.
Luca is all boy. He is always looking for someone to tackle or some ledge to jump off of. Quite the opposite of Ashton. Luca keeps me on my toes most of the day and when it's time for bed, the boy crashes hard, all night long. He's naturally athletic and quite the comedian. He always has something funny to say. You'll have to scroll through my Facebook homepage for the most recent crack ups from him!